If you haven't noticed by now, I am one of those people that predominantly gets my news from facebook. Warning to everyone: DO NOT EVER read a status update or like page and assume its true. Google it and look for a legitimate news source. We all have brains so lets use them and not believe rumors. That is probably my biggest pet peeve!
Today, I ran across a status update of someone saying that a woman was almost killed because some crazy lady thought she was Casey Anthony. I commented and said "are you serious?" and then immediately looked up the topic finding this article:
and this video: (you can just watch the video honestly. same information)
I just want to note that Casey is still in prison and not at a gas station! Crazy lady!
When I came back to facebook to see my notification that the person had replied I came back to this comment saying: "Um yeah. It is sad the world is out to kill her so bad that someone almost killed a women just because she slightly looks like that monster. I mean I understand why, and to a degree I agree with them but then at the same time I feel like a person needs to make sure their actually killing her and not a look alike.."
Wow! I had a very hard time holding my tongue. I don't know why this shocked me so. Comments full of ignorance have been cirlcling facebook like vultures since Casey Anthony received the verdict of not guilty on July 5th. I've seen comments and status updates that the jurors deserved to be murdered. I've seen comments and status updates that Judge Perry deserved to be murdered. Of course, I've seen hundreds of comments and status updates that Casey Anthony deserved to be murdered.
The jurors did not have enough evidence to convict Casey Anthony of manslaughter with a REASONABLE DOUBT. If you are on my facebook, you have heard me say that several times.
Here is a news report: an interview with Juror 3
If you remember, some of these jurors left the room crying on July 5th. They thought she was guilty just like most of America but had no proof to convict her.
If you need something or someone to be angry about, think about this:
1. Caylee's body was reported found in that swamp MANY times. This first time was in August yet Caylee's body was not recovered by the police until December. Could more evidence of been reported if the police had done their job? Would little Caylee have justice right now?
2. The Anthony family and Casey Anthony has told lie after lie. They're up, down, back and forth and everyone has been caught in a lie. Would an investigation have been easier if we had gotten less lies? Would little Caylee have justice right now?
3. Casey Anthony waited an entire month to report her child missing. For that, I think she is guilty of some crime but technically she broke no law in doing so. Would an investigation been easier if it had began the very day the problem began? Would little Caylee have her justice right now?
If you haven't already heard of it, there is one thing that has arose after this case that I believe is positive. Caylee's Law is a citizen created idea. This law would make it a felony for a parent to not report their child missing in a timely manner. Here is a link to sign a petition for Caylee's Law. http://www.change.org/petitions/create-caylees-law
Do you remember this little girl?
JonBenet Ramsey was killed in 1996. For years, investigations went on and on. Though other suspects came in, her parents were always the main suspects. In 2008, DNA evidence was able to completely clear her parents name. This was after the death of Patsy Ramsey, her mother, in 2006. Americans spent 12 years just assuming the Ramseys killed their daughter even though the police couldn't even find enough evidence to take the Ramseys to court. What if we had all said, " Until they find enough evidence, I'm gonna give the Ramseys the benefit of the doubt."
I have a newsflash for you America: We shape the media. The media gives us exactly what we want to hear. If public opinion is that Casey killed Caylee, then every news station and newspaper is gonna go with that same idea because its all about raitings. Yes, some media stations will play devil's advocate and take middle ground and some will even take the other side because they genuninely believe it. However, for the most part, they'll worry about ratings and go with public opinion. So while every American stomps around and hopes Casey Anthony "gets what she deserves," there is very real possibility that Caylee's killer could be out there and that Casey didn't do it. No one else has ever really been suspected in Caylee's death. I'm not saying that Casey Anthony didn't kill her daughter. She could have. However, if there isn't enough evidence out there, then, someone else could have done it. The longer we concentrate on Casey, (even with her acquittal) the longer there is someone else who could be getting away with something. JonBenet's killer is off running free somewhere! Could the same thing be of Caylee's? We don't know. None of us know. So its our job to shut our mouths with the stupidity and the anger and the hate. Casey has been legally acquitted and deserves to live her life now. I always encourage good discussion but if you can't speak with intelligence, shut your mouth! Honestly! If Casey killed Caylee, God will deal with her. Its as simple as that. The only thing your ignorant comments will do in the mean time is make God deal with you as well.
In Memory Of Caylee Marie Anthony
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