As the 2012 election quickly approaches, Michele Bachman has become one of the front runners for the Republican Party. Bachmann is the first Republican woman to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota. Before I go any further, please watch a few of these videos below.
And hit this link for the second: (Sorry they don't allow me to inbed the vid)
According to, Michele Bachmann "staunchly stands for religious liberties" and "has proudly taken a vow to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Do we see a problem with these statements?
Not only does the woman not understand freedom of religion by pushing her religion into her anti-gay agenda but her husband in UNLICENSED! Yes, this man runs Bachmann and Associates and has collected over $100,000 in Medicaid (a program Michele has spoke against many times) and pushes the "ex-gay" theory onto his patients without a proper license. Do we see this as a big problem as well?
Listen to this clip of audio by Bachmann in 2004. The full audio can be found here:
Warning: Its an hour long so if you need a good summary, you can find it here:
The moment that makes me angriest that isn't discussed in the clip of audio nor the article is when Bachmann actually goes so far in her "not gay bashing" to accuse the GLBT community of hiring Fred Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church to carry his "God hates Fags" signs in order to provide themselves with publicity. I could write a whole blog on that subject but I'll skip it for tonight and continue it later. If you aren't familiar with this, ( I assume most of you will be) check out this quick video. If you are aware of Westboro and haven't seen this video, I strongly urge you watch!
Off my tangent again and back to the audio. Bachmann speaks in the audio about an amendment in Minnesota. This amendment will reinforce the Defense of Marriage Act in MN in order to ensure that gay marriage will not ever be legalized. Bachmann, as she says, was the chief author in amendment. I love how Bachmann goes on to state fake facts about how most gays have been abused. I would love a citation on where she got that fact. I also want to note how she says that schools will be forced to teach homosexuality and "sexual identity" and that parents will loose control of what their children will learn. Well Bachmann, heterosexuality isn't taught in school so why would the reverse? And she calls the homosexual lifestyle bondage but I must say that those who have went through the "ex-gay" programs are under bondage. These men and women live a lie that they are bound to due to the lies they have been told by people like Bachmann and her family. I also love the false love she tries to pour down on the GLBT community. As a lesbian, Bachmann just please don't send your love my way! If you ever happen to have an hour to listen to the whole lecture, I urge you to do so. You'll be shocked and outraged by her for sure.
Michele and Marcus Bachmann and their homophobic and anti-gay agenda have no place in our white house. The military enforced law of Don't Ask Don't Tell has been repealed and the next step is a federal acceptance of gay marriage. So if this crazy woman makes it further in this election, I ask you all to vote against her.
On some lighter notes, here is a video from the Reitan Family. I first ran into this family when I watched For the Bible Tells Me So. They are a family that have stepped up for their gay son and became activist in the GLBT community. In this video, they speak up against the amendment in MN that Bachmann is a lead supporter on.
Also, here is a video that is quite humorous with similar humor to Saturday Night Live. Will Bachmann be our next Sarah Palin?
I think so! We all love the stupid Sarah Palin quotes! Here are some by Michele Bachmann.
Have I convinced you this woman will be a REALLY bad idea for America yet? God, I hope so.
But as a fellow blogger said, Thank you Michele Bachmann, "Honest to God, we in the LGBT community owe a debt of gratitude to Michele Bachmann. Her presidential bid has triggered an explosion of ex-gay industry coverage in the media. We couldn’t pay for better publicity."
***Leave your opinions below! I'm curious to know what ya'll think. Healthy comments and discussion is encouraged. Rudeness is not tolerated.
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